Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Potty Training

So we started potty training in full force this past weekend. I think Andrew has been ready for a while, but we have been traveling and it just hasn't been a good time to start. So this past weekend we started. We started by going to the potty every 15 minutes to see if he would go. The first day we had many accidents in the the morning and right after nap, but he seemed to kind of get the hang of it in the evening. Sunday we continued going frequently to the potty and he was accident free all day! I must point out though that both days he pooped during nap time so he had a pull-up on. Not sure how the poop part is going to work out, but the other one is coming along nicely. I was kind of worried about going out of the house but we did venture out for lunch on Monday. He did fine and didn't have any accidents, but he also didn't have to go while we were out. He still isn't really telling me that he has to go to the bathroom, but that isn't a huge surprise given the autism. A couple of times when it was time to try and sit on the potty he told me that he didn't have to go, which is a good start. I'm hoping that with time he'll get better and letting me know if he has to go potty but I think we're off to a good start.

1 comment:

Jen and Justin said...

I just nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award... so roll over to my blog and see what you're suppose to do :) I can't wait to read the "interesting things" about yourself :)